WeatherCat Version 3.1.3 Now Available!

We are pleased to announce the release of WeatherCat version 3.1.3.

This is a bug fix/maintenance release – changes are as follows:

  1. Removed Wunderground webcam functionality as Wunderground announced discontinuance of the webcam service 21 Oct 2021 – ).
  2. Fix a warning shown on first launch on macOS 12 that WeatherCat needs to be updated (this is a Python 2 deprecation notice – if running on macOS 12 or later we now use Python 3 – see note below)
  3. Fix for an issue where the background on basic gauges would always be white irrespective of the colour set in the preferences on macOS 11 or later.
  4. Fix a crash that could happen when initialising the camera.

Note that from version 3.1.3 onwards, and if running on macOS 12, WeatherCat requires Apple’s Python 3 to be installed on your system for some of its functionality. You may be asked to install it via a dialog box (this will only happen once) – this video shows the process.

WeatherCat V3.1.3 is available for immediate download or if you are running WeatherCat V3.0.0 or later, you can wait for the update notification within WeatherCat to auto update.

Meg out.