WeatherCat Version 3.2.0 Now Available!

We are pleased to announce the release of WeatherCat version 3.2.0.

Changes over version 3.1.3 are as follows:

1. Added initial WeatherLinkLive support. 

2. Custom text windows, Twitter, Banner generator, video preview and basic gauges windows will no longer appear in the Windows menu when they shouldn’t.

3. Added a 3 second webcam capture period, previous minimum was 5 seconds.

4. Admin emails are now defaulted to on for fresh installs

5. Fixed a bug whereby numbers between -1 and 1  would always be displayed as 1 in the summary report to the log window as each sample is taken.

6. Added initial macOS notifications support – startup, shutdown and custom alerts are sent to the notification system. Note that the alert text will be truncated by the notification system and you can turn off and change the style of the alerts via the Notifications System Preferences. Notifications can be switched off and on from WeatherCat’s preferences (Advanced pane)

7. Minimum period for WeatherCloud is now 1 minute (down from 10).

8. Temperatures in annual weather record emails are now reported to 1 decimal point, previously was 2.

9. Temperatures in all-time weather record emails are now reported to 1 decimal point, previously was 2.

10. Now built with Xcode 14, no change in earliest OS we can run on (10.9 or later).

11. Twitter – temperatures are now displayed to 1 decimal place, previously it was an integer.

12. If all station data is deleted, we now also delete the rain and snow edit data (Preferences->Location/Colours->Delete Data).

13. Fixed an issue with inconsistent AM/PM designators across the interface.

14. Fixed a small leak in the Log window.

15. Update to German localisation courtesy of Reinhard.

WeatherCat V3.2.0 is available for immediate download or if you are running WeatherCat V3.0.0 or later, you can wait for the update notification within WeatherCat to auto update.

Meg out.