WeatherCat Version 2.4.0 Now Available

We are pleased to announce the release of WeatherCat version 2.4.0.

Major changes in this release include:

1. Added monthly record emails – these are emails that are specific to the current month – for example a new high temperature for May.

2. Added STTHISMONTHOV$ and STLASTMONTHOV$ web tags. These generate an over-view of either the current or last month in terms of comparison of select variables against long term averages.

3. We now send the current conditions to clients – an updated client for OS X is included in the download.

4. Various other changes, fixes and improvements. For a full list of changes, please see the release notes included in the ‘Documentation’ folder of the download or on the WeatherCat wiki.

This is a free update for existing WeatherCat 2 owners and as always, you can download this release from our WeatherCat page or via the direct download link: WeatherCat 2.4.0

Meg out.